Registration Form

Online Registration Form (2024 - 25)


Applied Class For * :
Upload Photo (Photo Size Max 100KB) * :

Personal Detail
Applicant Name * :
Date Of Birth * :
Nationality * :
Religion * :
Category * :
Gender * :
Address * :
City * :
State * :
Pin * :
Mobile No. * :
Email :

Parent Details

Father Details
Father Name * :
Mobile No. * :
Email :
Occupation * :
Organization :
Office address :
Landline Number (Office) :

Mother Details
Mother Name * :
Mobile No. * :
Email :
Occupation * :
Organization :
Office address:
Landline Number (Office) :

Local Guardian Details (if any)
Name :
Mobile No. :
Landline Number (Home) :

Qualification Details
Last Attended Class :
Year :
School Name :
School Board Name :
Address of School:
Result Of Last Exam (%) :

DSSPS is a co-educational English medium institution based on CBSE pattern situated at Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh, India

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