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Vijaypura, Bhatauli Road, Mirzapur (U.P) 231001

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Learn About Us

DR. Sarla Public School

Dr. Sarla Sarraf was Ex Chief Proctor and Head Of Department of political science department at Agrasen Kanya P.G. College, Varanasi. She always cherished the desire to serve the people in the field of education. Dr. Sarla Sarraf Public School is a step towards making her desire come true. We at DSSPS always pray her to shower her blessings on us and give us strength to move ahead in our journey.

DSSPS is a co-educational English medium institution based on CBSE pattern which aims at providing the education with harmonious fusion of ancient culture based education system and modern educational trends. We are committed with all our time, energy and thoughts for all round development of our students.

Our Campus Tour

Magnificent School Campus

Why Choose Us

Providing Best Education Over 7+ Years

"To Teach and Inspire, To Reach and Transform. Every Student, Every Year"
While choosing the right school the parents should make sure that the school is not just bound to the acadamics but also lays importance on the extra curricular activities, cultural and sacramental education.

1300 +

Happy Students

100 +

Experianced Staff

100 %


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What Our Management Say

DSSPS is a co-educational English medium institution based on CBSE pattern situated at Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh, India

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